IP Transit On-Demand is the ability to quickly scale IP transit requirements without committing to a long-term bandwidth contract or engage in long contract negotiations. IP Transit On-Demand works for enterprises as a cost-control measure, performance increase, and adds more network diversity. If capacity needs change at any time, you can stay nimble. It’s quick, fast, and convenient. With the flexibility to rapidly scale up or down, there are several ways global businesses like yours can benefit from leveraging IP Transit On-Demand.
What’s The Benefit On-Demand Capacity Provides?
Ultimately it comes down to cost savings. Having a way to minimize your cost and only increase costs when needed temporarily, allows your company to stay within budget without having to sacrifice network performance or user experience. It allows you to remain flexible by being able to quickly add or remove transit connectivity based on your current network demands. Supporting bandwidth commitments requires building out larger network infrastructure and by leveraging capacity on-demand, you aren’t overpaying for what you need.
For example, if you are launching a new application and leverage on-demand transit, you can see how much the application is going to use at launch and over a period of time. This service model allows for scaling quickly without damaging performance and user experience. On the flip side, you won’t overpay if traffic isn’t what was expected at launch. Once you know your real bandwidth requirements, it helps inform how much to commit to long-term.
Another example that applies is if you are a content provider and don’t know who is going to be accessing content and when. Say you’re streaming a finals match or an e-sports game during peak times, you don’t always know how popular the event is going to be. IP Transit On-Demand offers the real-time flexibility to burst up during critical time periods versus having to commit with a provider for a full year.
How Does the Integration of SD-WAN and On-Demand IP Transit Enable Enterprises to Expand Network Capabilities?
By adding Xfernet’s IP Transit Service to your SD-WAN provider, it allows you to bring up connectivity where you don’t currently have a presence. It adds faster access versus a traditional carrier by adding connectivity with a single transit provider. It also becomes a more centralized point of management by leveraging your SD-WAN provider’s portal.
How Will IP Transit On-Demand Continue to be Embraced?
There is a big demand in IP transit due to the shift to work from home and the uncertainty of not knowing the long-term bandwidth costs associated with it. You may not want to spend money procuring big capacity because people may want to return to the office. Being nimble with an on-demand solution allows you to scale up and down accordingly while realizing potential cost savings.