We’re happy to announce a new Point of Presence (PoP) in Dallas, Texas inside Equinix DA3. With this new PoP, we’re expanding our tier 2 IP Transit, Transport and coming soon ActiveGrid Cloud services to one of the fastest-growing network and cloud markets in the United States.
Our flexible pay-for-usage, zero commitment IP Transit service model is available for ports in Dallas for on-demand capacity, DDoS mitigation, or additional redundancy/diversity when your other carrier(s) are down.
For SD-WAN platform users (Megaport and PacketFabric), with just a virtual cross connect (VXC) you can add a new 10G circuit. By leveraging our Tier 2 IP transit service through your preferred SD-WAN platform, you’ll be able to build connections faster, add more diversity and capacity.
Contact us today to expand your network in Dallas.